Meet a Microfinance Member: Mary from South Sudan

This blog post was written by David Chaves from our US office with information collected by programme staff in South Sudan and edited Megan Henderson, our Senior Communications & Events Officer.

Mary from South Sudan.

Mary from South Sudan.

Mary is a member of a Savings Group in South Sudan. Before joining the Group, Mary did not have a business and her husband had left her for another wife. Mary was trying to care for her three young children alone and getting enough food for them became a daily challenge. 

Fortunately, she found hope in her Group. Mary’s Savings Group prayed for her and encouraged her. With their support and access to financial services and businesses skills training, Mary decided to start her own business. 

Mary surveyed potential customers to identify and prioritise their needs to help her formulate a business plan. When she was ready, she took a loan from her Group for £30 and began her own tea shop!

Today, Mary sells spiced black tea, hibiscus tea and coffee in her shop. Each week, Mary makes about £17 in profit. She uses half of her profit to feed her children. 

Now, Mary says her children have more than enough to eat, “These changes have happened as a result of having an income. We are healthy and have enough to eat due to that income.” 

Being part of the Group has brought Mary fellowship. Some of her neighbours have seen her struggle and watched her emerge as the sole provider for her family. Now, they will come and share their burdens with her so she can pray for them too. She is trying to be a good example to them.

Mary has dreams to expand her business. Mary’s dreams give her hope for the future, all thanks to the support she found in her Savings Group.