Meet a microfinance member: Sonia from Burundi

This blog post was written by our Creative Communications & Events Officer, Megan Henderson, with trip notes taken on a programme visit in 2019.

Sonia with her husband, Peter.

Sonia with her husband, Peter.

Sonia had always had a dream: she wanted to know how to read. Education was not an opportunity her parents could afford, and as she grew older it seemed it would be harder to achieve. One day, she learned about Five Talents. She discovered a small Group of women from the village meeting together, learning to read, write, count and save. She desperately wanted to join.

Sonia went home to consult her husband, excited at her new found opportunity, excited she would finally be able to read. Her husband Peter was skeptical. He didn’t trust the Group, and he didn’t believe there was any point in Sonia knowing how to read, write or count. He forbade her from joining the Group, believing it would take her time away from their home.

But Sonia went to the Literacy Group anyway.

Peter couldn’t understand education’s value. He told Sonia if she went to the Group she should not return home. So, she didn’t. Sonia surprised Peter - she went to stay with their neighbours, and after completing her literacy & numeracy training she began saving with the Group.

Peter was afraid when Sonia began talking about borrowing a loan - he thought the Group may take their land as collateral. Sonia explained that this Group was from and for their community, not like some of the loan sharks Peter had heard of.  She did not let his fear stop her, she continued going to the Group and eventually took out a loan to sell vegetables in the market. Her neighbours reasoned with Peter to let Sonia return home. He still feared her Group, but Sonia was committed. She came home with new clothes for their children and fresh food for the family.

Peter watched as Sonia grew. He could see the changes in his home and his family. He saw how Sonia’s education was supporting them. He saw her become business savvy, he saw the Group had value.

One day, Peter came to the Group too.

Now Peter & Sonia save their money together. They combined their savings to purchase a cow to produce manure for their land. They work side by side growing and selling maize and soya. Peter is committed to using the profits to pay for their children’s school fees.

Sonia’s dream to read is now a reality for all of her children.