Hearing more stories...

This blog was written by James McArdle, our Director of Communications & Strategic Engagement.

Literacy lesson at Group meeting in Marsabit, Kenya.

Following months and months of drought the rains finally came. The land had been parched and 80% of livestock had been lost. Remote pastoralist communities in rural northern Kenya had experienced a burden on lives and livelihoods that had been on the very brink of what could be carried. And yet still, when I arrived into this context last month with a small Five Talents team, we were welcomed with generosity and heard of hopes for the future.

We were visiting Literacy and Savings groups in Marsabit, Kenya, which are supported by Five Talents, alongside our local partners the Mothers Union and Anglican Church of Kenya. Marsabit Diocese covers an area the size of England and, along with many parts of central and eastern Africa, is facing the acute and combined challenges of climate impact, food shortages, economic insecurity and conflicts. Against these day-to-day challenges the Groups are places where women can come together to learn, have access to a safe place to save their money, as well as opportunity for training and support to set-up and grow small businesses. We listened as members told us the difference it has made for them to be able to read and write, to realise they can make their own choices and become leaders in their community.

Each visit, each community, each woman and man we met told of the difference a Literacy class or a Savings Group is making in their lives. They are owning and shaping their own future. With support and in time, women and men start small businesses and provide community employment; they send their children to school and build local economic resilience; they foster peace through supporting and inspiring one another, and are empowered to shape a better future for themselves, their families and the wider community. It’s a story from central and eastern Africa that we should be hearing more about, and telling time and again.

We'd love for you to join us on a visit to hear these stories yourself. If you would be interested in learning more about visiting a programme, or coming with us, please contact us.